Hands Work (2016)
Pardon the dust (2016)
Untitled (2016)
Welcome to the Internet
#14 featured three artists focusing on ‘the internet’ as a general theme. Neale Willis’ video/sound piece was created from the sounds of deleted tweets; which is interesting within itself! This was put together with a painting by Stacey Davidson, who’s practice is loosely inspired by internet memes and internet culture in general. They’re a mixture of found imagery attached to the canvas alongside very subtle mark making. The final work to accompany these two was a gif by Servgi Tan, a self-portrait of herself which to me looks as if she’s blindly looking into her computer screen, watching a film or consuming her daily dose of social media whilst slowly falling asleep. Is she tired because of the endless memes and tweets? Or is it something else? I don’t know...
Curated by Bob Bicknell-Knight